Category: Uncategorized

  • Expanding Horizons: The Bold Innovations of Console Expansions in the Early 1990s

    Expanding Horizons: The Bold Innovations of Console Expansions in the Early 1990s

    In the early 1990s, the video game industry was in the midst of a technological renaissance. With 16-bit consoles like the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Sega Genesis reigning supreme in living rooms worldwide, companies faced a pivotal question: How could they extend the lifespan of these popular systems without immediately launching entirely new…

  • A conservation with Daniel Albu and JPH

    James ‘Purple’ Hampton recently had an in-depth conversation with Daniel Albu for his interview series Tech Talk. Daniel digs deep into Retro Gaming history and asks a bunch of fresh questions that explore James’s experience of making videogames in the 90’s at Lucasfilm Games, Atari and more. The episode premiere will be this Sunday, November…

  • Retrogamegurus at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo

    Retrogamegurus at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo

    The Retro Game Gurus will be presenting panels at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo – SATURDAY September 28th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alien Vs Predator 30th Anniversary – Noon (E145/E146) – James Hampton Test Drive – 2pm (D137-D140)– Ted Tahquechi SUNDAY September 29th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tempest 2000 30th Anniversary – Sunday 11am (Portland Ballroom)– Jeff Minter, Ted and Carrie Taquechi Handheld Heaven…

  • Portland Retro Gaming Expo – Classic Video Game Convention

    Portland Retro Gaming Expo – Classic Video Game Convention – Portland, Oregon On Sunday 29th of September 2024 we are all on stage @ Auditorium 1 [E141-144] with Lynx co-inventor RJ Mical. If you want a double bill… RJ Mical is also on at 12 noon @ Auditorium 2 [E145&146] for “The History of The…